Come explore the lives of the Goddesses, the Great Queens, and Priestesses of the world, including those of ancient Egypt, pagan Europe, the Americas, and the African Diaspora with Luisah, the ideal person to lead you in that exploration. An initiated elder (Iyanifa) in the Ifa/Orisha tradition of the West African Diaspora, celebrated internationally in Goddess circles as a writer and ritual-maker, she’ll guide you in a process of spiritual self-examination as you discover relationships between lives of illustrious Goddesses, Queens, and Priestesses and your own. This process will include visualization, writing, creating sacred art, music, and movement. You’ll come to understand and access your own spiritual potential and you’ll design rituals to awaken the spirit of these Goddesses, Queens and Spirit Women within yourself. Equally important, you’ll commit to using your power to address important challenges affecting your life and community.

Arrive by July 22nd.  The workshop starts in the evening of the 22nd until the morning of August 1st. Departure Is on the 1st.
Fees include room, all meals and workshop.
Double room for one person $1160
Double room for two individuals $940
Triple room for three individuals $820

To get to the workshop you can take a taxi from Athens International Airport to the port of Rafina. There you take a one hour ferry to Marmari Port and another taxi to the retreat center in Bouros. Car pooling will be available.
To register email: